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March 13, 2024
Print | PDFMarch 14th, 2024, 12pm, Theatre Auditorium
Elizabeth Lepock, soprano
Peter Shackleton, clarinet
Anna Ronai, piano
Selections from Creek Bistro Specials by David L. McIntyre (b. 1950)
I. Gorgonzola Custard
II. Spinach and Bacon Salad
III. Calamari
V. Grilled Trout
VII. Clafoutis
VIII. Gingerbread
Suite from the Victorian Kitchen Garden by Paul Reade (1943-1997)
I. Prelude
II. Spring
III. Mists
IV. Exotica
V. Summer
The Sex Lives of Vegetables by Leslie Uyeda (published 2008)
(This work contains adult language. Listener discretion is advised.)
I. Carrots
II. Onions
III. Artichokes
IV. Peas
V. Tomatoes
Chansons de mon placard by Peter Tiefenbach (published 1993)
I. Algues de Mer
II. La Fécule de Maïs
III. Epices pour Bifteck
IV. A.A.S.
What could be more appropriate for a noon-hour recital, than one about food? Elizabeth and Anna open with selections from Canadian composer, David McIntyre’s Creek Bistro Specials, in which he treats the tantalizing food descriptions from a menu like poetry. Next Peter and Anna treat you to British composer, Paul Reade’s beautiful instrumental representations of various seasons and ingredients from a Victorian English Garden. Finally, we all join together, sharing Canadian composer, Leslie Uyeda’s The Sex Lives of Vegetables, Vol. 1 - a delightfully fanciful, and occasionally shockingly naughty anthropomorphization of vegetables. We close with the work of one more Canadian composer, Peter Tiefenbach, his Chansons de mon placard – hilariously dramatic settings of descriptions of uses of four random things found in a cupboard. We hope you enjoy this repertoire as much as we do!
Text and translations for Chansons de mon placard (Songs of my cupboard)
Algues de Mer (Seaweed)
Au Japon les algues marines
Ont longtemps constitué
Une part essentielle de l’alimentation.
Au Japon leur diverse propriétés,
Leur saveur unique,
Leur versatilité dans la cuisson,
Et leur haute valeur nutritionelle,
Sont autant de raisons
Pour lesquelles elles sont,
Depuis des siècles, cultivées
et hautement appreciées
Au Japon.
In Japan seaweed
Has long constituted
An essential part of the diet.
In Japan, its diverse properties,
Its unique flavour
Its versatility in cooking
And its elevated nutritional value
Are so many reasons
For which it has been,
For centuries, cultivated
And highly appreciated
In Japan.
La Fécule de Maïs (Cornstarch)
La fécule de maïs polyvalente
La fécule de maïs a multiples usages,
La fécule de maïs
Mon agent d’épaisissemet préféré pour les sauces,
La fécule de maïs économque
Elle aide à absorber la transpiration
Et prévient les mauvaises odeurs dans les chaussures.
Ajoutée à l’eau de la baignoire
Elle soulage les coup de soleil
Et les irritations cutanées bénignes.
La fécule de maïs polyvalente
La fécule de maïs a multiples usages,
La fécule de maïs
Mon agent d’épaisissemet préféré pour les sauces,
La fécule de maïs économque
Multipurpose cornstarch
Cornstarch has multiple uses,
My preferred thickening agent for sauces
Cornstarch economical.
It helps to absorb perspiration
And prevents bad odors in shoes.
Add it to bathwater
It relieves sunburns
And mild skin irritations.
Multipurpose cornstarch
Cornstarch as multiple uses,
My preferred thickening agent for sauces
Cornstarch economical.
Epices pour Bifteck (Steak Spice)
Un assaisonnement idéal pour le barbecue
Préparé avec quatre poivres exotiques:
Lampong noir, Sarawak blanc,
Vert de Madagascar, et Rose de la Réunion
Saupoudrer les bifteks
Ou ajouter aux marinades et sauces
Lampong noir, Sarawak blanc,
Vert de Madagascar, et Rose de la Réunion
An ideal seasoning for barbeque
Made with four exotic peppers:
Black Lampong, White Sarawak
Green from Madagascar, and Pink from Réunion
Sprinkle on the steaks
Or add to marinades and sauces
Black Lampong, White Sarawak
Green from Madagascar, and Pink from Réunion
A.A.S. (ASA/Acetylsalicylic Acid)
Ce contenant renferme suffisament de médicament
Pour être gravement nocif à un enfant.
Garder hors de la portée des enfants.
Consulter un médecin avant de prendre ce médicament
Au cours de trois derniers mois de la grossesse
Ou durant l’allaitement
Garder hors de la portée des enfants.
This container contains enough medication
To cause serious harm to a child.
Keep out of reach of children.
Consult a doctor prior to taking this medication
During the last three months of pregnancy
Or during breastfeeding
Keep out of reach of children.