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April 4, 2024
Print | PDFKeep going now, Mary, keep going my dear.
I hear roosters crowing; the township is near.
Keep going my dear one, my precious gem:
we'll soon be arriving in Bethlehem.
And there you will lie down and sleep free from fear.
I hear roosters crowing; the township is near.
I know it, Mary, your strength is failing.
You find your pains are oh too compelling.
Keep on! We're sure to find shelter here.
Roosters are crowing; the township is near.
Mary, I wish you were safely delivered.
To hear that good news what would I not give?
I'd even give our donkey here.
The roosters are crowing; the place is near.
This was a rose,
This was my breast
with my baby.
She closes her petals
to hold it safe.
Turn from the wind,
close against my heart.
For it came down to her,
from immense heaven,
and so she must
suspend her breath.
Her good fortune makes her
hold still, hold still:
roses of all roses
most fulfilled.
This was a rose,
This was my breast
with my baby.
The sea with its thousands of waves
is a divine sway.
Listening to the loving seas,
I rockmy baby.
The wandering wind of the night
swings the wheat fields.
Listening to the loving winds,
I rock my baby.
God, the Father, your thousands of worlds
swing silently.
Feeling your hand in the shadow,
I rock my child.
An meinem Herzen, an meiner Brust
At my heart, at my breast,
you my rapture, my happiness!
The joy is the love, the love is the joy,
I have said it, and won't take it back.
I've thought myself rapturous,
but now I'm happy beyond that.
Only she that suckles, only she that loves
the child, to whom she gives nourishment;
Only a mother knows alone
what it is to love and be happy.
O how I pity then the man
who cannot feel a mother's joy!
(You look at me and smile,
You dear, dear angel you).
At my heart, at my breast,
you my rapture, my happiness!
Little fleece of my flesh
that I wove in my womb,
little shivering fleece,
sleep close to me!.
The partridge sleeps in the clover
hearing its heart beat.
My breathing will not wake you.
Sleep close to me!.
Little trembling blade of grass
astonished to be alive,
don't leave my breast.
Sleep close to me!
I who have lost everything
am now afraid to sleep.
Don't slip away from my arms.
Sleep close to me!
Oh my boy: Jesus,
my first and only son,
Rock on my breast, my first and only one,
my first and only son.
O my Jesus: my first and only one.
Born of God and born near his sun,
bright boy: my only one:
O my Jesus,
rest on my breast, my first and only son:
Oh my boy Jesus
Rest, shhh
you need the rest.
Don’t pay attention to the old men in the temple.
They have given up.
Tell them what you told me:
cast the sinners out, clean the house of God,
load the rich with grief, prepare the poor with hope
and, Jesus,
don’t stop to play with Judas and his friends along the way.
Jesus, did you know that Lazarus is back? Jesus, are you listening?
Laz’rus has come back.
His grave is still open
and Martha tells she heard
three angels singing with three birds:
their feathers brushed together.
Jesus, are you hearing?
Laz-rus has returned to Bethany.
Jesus , won’t you answer?
Laz’rus has come back and he’s calling for you.
He says that death was gentle and woke him up early.
Jesus, are you praying?
Laz’rus has returned.
There’s a supper in Jerusalem tonight
and I wish that I was there,
I’d journey anywhere to be with Jesus: to stroke his hair,
Remind Him, O my baby dear,
I’d journey anywhere to be with Jesus tonight.
There’s that supper in Jerusalem tonight
and I could be right there.
But I don’t dare to journey to Jerusalem tonight.
O my Jesus, you’re eating in Jerusalem tonight.
And I wish that I was there.
O my boy, take care
at that supper in Jerusalem tonight.
Cold and icy in my bed:
laid on the ground of Jerusalem:
Eve’ry flow’r is withered,
the birds have left their song,
the sun wears a twisted eye.
I’m alone with your dream of redemption, my Lord.
Save Him, save our son.
I’m his mother: save Him:
Let me rock him again in my trembling arms.
Save Him
I’ll receive the silver from Judas,
Help him.
Your word is all my world.
I’ll receive the silver from Judas’ hand
and spend it on nothing.
Save Him, Jehovah, help Him, my God,
Bless him, My Lord, redeem Him, my husband.
Oh save Him, save Him, save our boy.
Bring me those needles, Martha I believe I’ll knit Jesus a scarf.
Go on snapping those butterbeans.
What time is it? Let me see now:
Knit one.
You say it’s twelve o’clock?
Snap enough for Joseph and Lazarus:
They’ll be home before you’re through.
Martha, what time is it?
Purl two, purl one,
knit one, purl two.
If I had the star of Bethlehem, I’d
Knit three
and light His sky.
Where was I Martha?
Oh yes, knit one, purl seven.
What time is it Martha?
Knit three, purl ten.
It can’t be near three o’clock.
Where was I? Knit, purl twelve, purl, nothing.
Martha, don’t leave me alone.
Where are you Martha, Martha,
Where are you Martha?
Everything is black,
Air, water, sun, moon,
all light, dirt is black.
Heav’n is in mourning for our Son.
The earth is dead, it will rise again, Almighty God.
Now I understand what light is:
it is our Son.
It is Jesus, no longer trembling in my arms.
It is the Christ.
O my boy, Jesus,
My first and only son,
My first and only one.
Now on my knees, with Joseph at my side,
I ask thee:
Send the resurrection now.
Give the air and water and sun
and the moon and the dirt:
thy light again.
Send the presence almighty God,
send it even to evil men.
I see Jesus, in the clouds.
Oh, Free him from death for life:
We must be free to sing:
Loose the birds for their songs,
Bloom the flowers for their songs,
Light Martha, whose brother came back from death.
Light Mary Magdalene,
light Gethsemane’s gardens:
Light those walkways with lilies,
and heal the wounds of Christ.
Let me rise up into your starry sky and love our Son,
and praise thee,
and praise thee,
Ah, comfort me in paradise.
Oh my boy: Jesus,
my first and only son,
Rock on my breast, my first and only one,
my first and only son.
O my Jesus: my first and only one.
Born of God and born near his sun,
bright boy: my only one:
O my Jesus,
rest on my breast, my first and only son:
Oh my boy Jesus
Rest, shhh
you need the rest.
Tomorrow, at dawn, in the hour when the countryside becomes white,
I will leave. You see, I know that you are waiting for me.
I will go by the forest, I will go by the mountain.
I cannot stay far from you any longer.
I will walk eyes fixed on my thoughts,
Without seeing anything outside, nor hearing any noise,
Alone, unknown, the back curved, the hands crossed,
Sad, and the day for me will be like the night.
I will not look at the gold of the evening which falls,
Nor the faraway sails descending towards Harfleur.
And when I arrive, I will put on your tomb
A green bouquet of holly and flowering heather.
In the great green room
there was a telephone
and a red balloon
and a picture of
the cow jumping over the moon.
There were three little bears
sitting on chairs
and two little kittens
and a pair of mittens
and a little toyhouse
and a young mouse
and a comb and a brush
and a bowl full of mush
and a quiet old lady
who was whispering “hush.”
Good night room
Goodnight moon
Goodnight cow
jumping over the moon
Goodnight light
and the red balloon
Goodnight bears
Goodnight chairs
Goodnight kittens
and goodnight mittens
Goodnight clocks
and goodnight socks
Goodnight little house
and goodnight mouse.
Goodnight comb
and goodnight brush
Goodnight nobody
Goodnight mush
and goodnight to the old lady
whispering “hush.”
Goodnight stars
Goodnight air
Goodnight noises everywhere.